Travel Services - OLD

Unfortunately Travel Services in the Practice are currently very limited
due to the Flu and Shingles Vaccination Programmes
Travel Advice

The Braids Medical Practice has a limited number of travel consultations per week.

If you are planning a holiday overseas it is advisable to book a travel consultation with one of our Practice Nurses at least 6 weeks in advance of your departure.

Please contact reception to book a 30 minute appointment with the nurse for your initial consultation.

The nurse will carry out a risk assessment which involves reviewing your medical history, vaccination history and your travel itinerary. For example:

  • What countries you will visit
  • Mode(s) of transport
  • The length of your trip
  • Types of accommodation
  • Activities eg volunteer/charity work

Advice will then be offered regarding recommended vaccinations/ optional vaccinations, malaria risk and travel health risks to ensure you have the knowledge to keep safe during your trip.

We are unable to offer a telephone advice or a telephone consultation service.
There are a variety of travel clinics in Edinburgh. (see Travel Advice links)
The clinics will charge for the vaccines but generally do not have a prescription charge. There may be an additional consultation fee.

Please note: It is the responsibility of the traveller to investigate these costs and make an appointment if required.

Please check the following website for up-to-date travel advice:

Vaccination History

If you require a record of your vaccination history please ask at reception.

The request will be completed by one of our Practice Nurses and can take up to one week.

Please make sure you allow sufficient time when requesting this infomation.

NHS Vaccines

The following vaccines are available free on the NHS and will be offered during your first consultation if appropriate.

  • Hepatitis A
  • Typhoid
  • Diptheria, Tetanus & Polio

Private Vaccinations

You will be advised to go to a travel clinic for the following private vaccinations:

  • Hepatitis B
  • Rabies
  • Japanese B Encephalitis
  • Tick Borne Encephalaitis
  • Meningitis ACWY


Chloroquine & Proguanil are available to buy directly from the pharmacy.

All other anti-malarial tablets require a private prescription. There is a £30 charge for this. 

You will then need to pay for your malaria tablets at the pharmacy.

Alternatively some pharmacies will sell malaria tablets directly without a prescription:
  • Asda, The Jewel
  • Newington Pharmacy                             0131  667 2368
All the travel clinics will provide malaria advice & tablets.
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